Connecting the Dots

Listen to your father’s instruction
and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.
                          —Proverbs 1:8

This morning, I gazed at a 125-year-old photograph on my bedroom bookcase—my paternal grandmother.

Twenty-eight steps away, in my home office, I stared at a picture of my father and connected the dots. I would not be coming to my office every day to think, and write, and post, were it not for my dad. And it is unlikely that he would have become a Christian were it not for his mother.

So, over a century ago, my grandmother planted the seed that set the course for my life. No wonder I pause before those two portraits and say, “Thank you!”

We didn’t get where we are on our own. We had help. They being dead yet speak (Heb 11:4).

Embracing your history
will help you shape the future.

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