Pass It On

Impress [these commandments] on your children.
                                —Deuteronomy 6:7

Can you imagine what life was like 1,000 years ago? Or, if the Lord tarries, what it will be like 1,000 years from now? It’s hard to envisage what it was like even 100 years ago.

There’s a framed photograph of my paternal grandmother on a bookcase in my bedroom. The picture is 125 years old. I look at it often, wonder what her life was like, and thank God that she planted a seed that came to fruition in her son, my father. Her seed-planting faithfulness over a century ago helped set the course of my life.

You and I have the obligation—and privilege—of planting seeds that will be producing fruit 100—maybe even 1,000—years from now.

You’re building a legacy.

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