You’ve Come a Long Way

As the Spirit of the Lord works within us,
we become more and more like him.
                —2 Corinthians 3:18

You slipped up. Said something you shouldn’t have said. Did something you shouldn’t have done. Thought something you shouldn’t have thought.

You’re discouraged, ashamed. Why did I say that, do that, think that? What’s gotten into me?

You’re human! That’s what’s gotten into you.

Conversion changes your relationship with God but doesn’t instantly mature you into a perfect person. Behaviors of your former life occasionally come back to haunt and taunt you. Human weakness rears its ugly head.

Sanctification takes time. Let me say it again. Sanctification takes time. In fact, it’s a lifetime project.

You have a long way to go. But you’ve come a long way.

Made a mistake? Okay, but you are so much better now than you were back then.

Don’t give up. You’re on the right track.

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