They Didn’t Give Up

[I have] plans to give you hope and a future.
                             —Jeremiah 29:11

While waiting to get my flu and COVID shots, I got to thinking about how thankful I am for those who have developed vaccines that have stopped numerous diseases in their tracks. Google tells me Edward Jenner started it all in 1796 with an inoculation to tame smallpox.

William Morton made history in 1846 with ether anesthesia, Louis Pasteur was the brain behind germ theory, and Alexander Fleming gave us penicillin. Glad those guys didn’t give up.

Come to think of it, I’m glad that Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, the Wright brothers, and a host of others didn’t give in to the voices that screeched, “You’re nuts.”

Most of all, I’m grateful that God and Jesus didn’t give up on us when they could have obliterated the whole earthly mess with a snap of a finger.

God will never give up on you.

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