Remembering Our Giants

Do not remove the ancient landmark
which your fathers have set.
           —Proverbs 22:28

I’m looking at a portrait of my father. In many ways, my world is very different from his. Fashions and fads have changed. Ways of communication have changed. But I’m thinking of the problems and poverty he endured, and the presidents and plagues that came and went in his lifetime. It causes me to consider my roots.

Standing on the shoulders of yesterday’s warriors gives us courage to press on, stand strong, and bravely face tomorrow. The strength to endure in today’s world emerges from remembering the moral giants of yesterday’s world.

Spectacular progress has been made since the days of our parents. But their grit and unconditional moral standards are unmatched. I’m ingesting a hefty dose of that today.

Live the present in such a way that future
generations can gain strength from the past.

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