Refuse to Give Up

In due season we will reap, if we do not give up.
                                   —Galatians 6:9

In your King James Bible, there is this two-word description of a man: “he endured.”
The New International Version has it: “he persevered.”
The New English Bible: “he was resolute.”
The Living Bible: “he kept right on going.
The Amplified Bible: “he held staunchly to his purpose.”

Who was this man? Moses (Heb 11:27). He was a reluctant recruit. But once he signed on, he was in for the duration.

He faced off with Pharaoh and endured the Israelites’ constant grumbling. He was even criticized and opposed by his own sister and brother. That had to hurt.

I don’t know what you’re going through—but making a sticky note of the descriptive words in the lead paragraph of this essay and slapping it on your mirror for a few days might help you negotiate it victoriously.

Giving up is a guarantee for failure.

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