Fruit of the Spirit: Love

Walk in the way of love.
     —Ephesians 5:2

Love is the foundation for all the ingredients that follow, each describing a way in which love is expressed. As Paul says elsewhere, “Over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity” (Col 3:14).

In our culture, we tend to define love as a noun—it’s something we feel. But in Scripture, the concept of love is better understood as a verb—it’s how we act; what we do.

The best commentary is 1 Corinthians 13:4–7, where Paul gives the ingredients of love:

  • It is patient.
  • It is kind.
  • It does not envy.
  • It does not boast.
  • It is not proud.
  • It is not rude.
  • It is not self-seeking.
  • It is not easily angered.
  • It keeps no record of wrongs.

Check the boxes.

Love is the trademark of discipleship.
It’s as simple—and as difficult—as that.

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