We Don’t Know the Load They’re Carrying

Clothe yourselves with compassion.
                —Colossians 3:12

Jack Carter was driving slowly, cautiously. His rearview mirror told him the car behind him was close to his bumper and that the driver was irritated.

The exasperated driver had no way of knowing that Jack’s beloved wife Nancy was lying on the back seat and that Jack was transporting his sweetheart to the emergency room—again. Nancy’s bones had become so brittle that the slightest jolt resulted in another fracture.

“If the tailing driver realized the frailty of the patient in my car,” Jack thought, “he would understand why I’m driving as I am.”

I wonder how often I am impatient with someone when I have no idea of the load they may be carrying.

The Holy Spirit sends me in a more charitable direction: “Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience” (Col 3:12).

More compassion, less judgment.

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