Good Will Eventually Win

May the God of hope fill you
with all joy and peace in believing.
               —Romans 15:13

There’s a lot wrong with our world that we can’t fix. Hyperventilating about it is paralyzing and fruitless.

Eventually, good will outweigh bad. It may take time. And a few election cycles. Even a second coming perhaps. But good will win. Eventually.

Take away our health, and we are limited. Take away our wealth, and we are restricted. Take away our purpose, and we are disoriented. But take away our hope, and we are plunged into darkness.

Those Hebrews 11 heroes were “living by faith when they died.” They only “saw [the things promised] and welcomed them from a distance” (Heb 11:13). But they never gave up faith and hope. And we know how that turned out with faith rewarded and hope fulfilled. Eventually.

Good will win. Eventually.

When you face God, be able to say,
“I knew you would do it.”

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