God’s Freebies

In him we live and move
and have our being.
    —Acts 17:28

We have a stack of bills on our desk—each invoice higher than a year ago. We stare at a credit card envelope that we’re afraid to open. Grocery shelves, fuel pumps, department stores, and restaurants have our “gotcha” number. We complain about rising prices.

But God keeps loading our cart with freebies.

We’re breathing his air—it’s free. We’re seeing—it’s free. We’re hearing—it’s free. He has never billed us for these and countless other gifts.

What is the worth of a hug? An encouraging word? The smile of a friend?

Priceless. And it’s all free.

Let’s be aware today of the good things he is putting in our path. Free!

Sixty seconds without one of God’s
free gifts, and we’re done for.

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