Win the Big Races in Stages

[God’s mercies] are new every morning.
—Lamentations 3:23

An Ironman Triathlon is an arduous challenge: a 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride, and 26.2-mile run. One Ironman triathlete said, “You last the long race by conquering the short ones.” In other words, don’t think about swimming 2.4 miles; just swim to the next buoy. Don’t think about running 26.2 miles; just run to the next mile marker.

AA members don’t commit to never having another drink; they commit to not having one today.

Don’t commit to controlling your attitude forever; just commit to controlling it today.

Conquer challenges in stages. Isn’t that the counsel Jesus gave? Don’t worry about tomorrow until tomorrow (Mt 6:34). Give us today our daily bread (Mt 6:11).

God’s mercies are new every morning (Lam 3:23).

Win the long races by conquering the short ones.

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