Timely Decisions

Seek the Lord while he may be found.
                       —Isaiah 55:6

Decisions are the indispensable building blocks of life. However, the timing of decisions is essential to successful outcomes.

Frank was extremely overweight but was determined to master the skills of mountain climbing. Through hard work and continuous training, he developed arm muscles that would support his obese body.

He practiced on local slopes and finally decided he was ready to tackle the challenge of Yosemite’s El Capitan. Halfway up, he was startled to discover that his rope was fraying and would break within seconds. Looking down, he saw no ledge to break his fall, so he made a quick decision—he decided to use a heavier rope.

Frank’s decision was okay—but his timing was off.

Many decide to submit to the Lord—someday.

Too late is a tragic verdict.

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