Are You a Positive Person?

Rejoice always, pray continually,
give thanks in all circumstances.
           —1 Thessalonians 5:16

Timmy’s Little League team—like Charlie Brown’s—hadn’t won a ball game all season. Today, they would be squaring off with the top team in town. “We’re going to get slaughtered,” Timmy whined. “Timmy,” said his mom, “you have to think positive.” “I am thinking positive,” countered Timmy, “I’m positive we’re going to get slaughtered.”

I’ve met Timmy’s adult equivalent. You too?

It was a routine business meeting at church. As usual, Eugene (name changed to protect the guilty) opposed every positive proposal. A brother asked him why he was such a pessimist. “I’m not a pessimist,” he growled, “I’m a realist.” That drew a roomful of laughs.

I’ve observed that one optimist will accomplish more than a dozen pessimists. Why? Because the optimist will try. The pessimist won’t.

How you view life affects the outcome.

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