Can You Keep a Secret?

A trustworthy person keeps a secret.|
                  —Proverbs 11:13

A segment of the physician’s Hippocratic Oath runs this way: “Whatever, in the course of my practice, I may see or hear, whatever I may happen to obtain knowledge of, if it be not proper to repeat it, I will keep sacred and secret.”

You would be justifiably offended by a doctor who treated your confidence less than sacred and secret. Ditto of a counselor, attorney, teacher, secretary, or friend.

Is confidential information safe with you? When someone shares private knowledge with you, is it leakproof?

“Do not betray another’s confidence” (Prv 25:9).

“A trustworthy person keeps a secret” (Prv 11:13).

“A whisperer separates close friends” (Prv 16:28).

It comes down to this: Are you trustworthy?

Trust is easily lost
but difficult to regain.