There’s a Great Day Coming

Stand up and lift up your heads.
—Luke 21:28

Without heaven, history is in the hands of humanity. Unless there is a heavenly home beyond this earthly habitation, life on this planet is the final word.

The feeling that the world is in a sorry state creates a heavenly longing.

The gospel implants hope for a bright future. This hope is not grounded in a utopian dream of the world coming to its senses and getting better, but in Jesus’ declaration that there will be a day when he will return, banish wickedness, end suffering, and take his own to be with him in glory.

In his announcement of his return, he says to us, “Stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” Ours, then, is not a position of pessimism and despair, but of optimism and confidence.

Jesus is coming. Be ready.

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