Some Things I Believe (4)

The free gift of God is eternal life
in Christ Jesus our Lord.
          —Romans 6:23

I Believe Eternal Life is Real

I believe that Jesus is the resurrection and the life and that those who believe in him will live again, even though they die (Jn 11:25).

In Daniel Silva’s novel, The Other Woman, Alistair Hughes, an American falsely accused of spying for Russia, is murdered. At the graveside, his colleague Arthur Seymour approaches Milinda Hughes, Alistair’s widow, to offer his condolence. She requests a word in private, and as they walk among the headstones she asks, “Are you a believer?”

“I am not,” admits Seymour.

“Nor am I,” says Malinda. “But at this moment, I wish I were. Is this how it ends? Is there really nothing more?”

I believe there is more, Milinda, for believers, much more—an eternal life where there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain (Rv 21:4).

Eternal life is real.

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