A Shoulder to Cry On

Whoever is kind to the needy honors God.
                            —Proverbs 14:31

Discipleship isn’t a five-star, flashy production. It’s played out in the everyday bumps and bruises of life—in little things, thoughtful things, loving things.

It’s a handwritten note, a hug, doing lunch with someone who needs to talk, and a nonjudgmental friend to listen.

In the Bible, it’s found in simple phrases: “Encourage one another,” “Be kind to one another,” “Build each other up.” Things like that.

As Edith Lindeman’s song, Little Things Mean a Lot, has it:

Give me a hand when I’ve lost the way
Give me your shoulder to cry on
Whether the day is bright or gray
Give me your heart to rely on.

No one can help everyone,
but everyone can help someone.

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