Hear the Hurt

Be sympathetic . . . be compassionate.
—1 Peter 3:8

The lady caught me eyeing her grocery cart, loaded with heart-attack-waiting-to-happen grub. She laughed and said, “You only live once.”

The dog-tired cashier working checkout said, “Once is enough.”

I sensed she was saying, “I’ve been here all day without a break. I’m sick of this job and sick of pampered people. They buy high-priced stuff that I can’t afford and drive away in big-ticket cars that I’ll never be able to own. When my shift ends, I’ll take the bus home, fix dinner, wash dishes, do laundry. And do it all over again tomorrow.”

Dear God, open our ears today, first to hear you, then to hear those you put in our path. Help us to listen, really hear, and show compassion.

Don’t just hear the words; hear the hurt.

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