Get Your Name in the Book

Rejoice that your names are written in heaven.
                                       —Luke 10:20

You were promoted to CEO. Ran a marathon. Wrote a book. Won a case. Discovered a cure for cancer. Good for you. All those things are worthy of praise. But they’re limited to a tiny time slice of seventy or eighty years and not worth a saucer of cheese grits if your name isn’t in The Book of Life. But get your name in that book, and it’s “Game Won!”—and forever.

You can’t download a copy of The Book of Life from Amazon because there’s only one copy, and it’s in heaven’s keeping. No one can tamper with it. It’s free from error, and you don’t need to worry about someone tapping the delete key and snuffing your name.

Whatever else you accomplish, be sure you get your name in that book.

Is your name written there?

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