You’re Worth a Lot

I’ve called your name. You’re mine.
                        —Isaiah 43:1

I have a feeling that you underestimate your worth. Measure your value by these two things: rarity and ownership.

Rarity. God chose you before the creation of the world (Eph 1:4). Then, at a point in time, he made you—just one of you. There are no duplicates, no copies. You are an original, a rarity.

Ownership. God bought you with the blood of Jesus (Eph 1:7). You belong to him.

Do you feel that a person of wealth is worth more than you and that a person of unusual talent is more valuable than you? Don’t!

Your worth is not determined by how you compare with others but by rarity and ownership. You are a rare treasure because you are an original. And you are priceless because you belong to God.

God has no one else like you.

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