Only Six Miles from the Savior

Where is the one who has
been born king of the Jews?
           —Matthew 2:2

Jerusalem scribes knew where the Christ was to be born: in Bethlehem, they said, for that’s what the prophet Micah had announced 700 years ago. Bethlehem—only six miles from Jerusalem.

The Wise Men had spent two years traveling 1,000 miles to worship Jesus. Now they were only six miles away, less than a two-hour walk.

“We have come to worship him,” the Wise Men said. The scribes had been teaching about the coming Messiah for years. Now they hear that he has been born just six miles south, and not one of them slipped on his sandals to go to him.

Joy to the world, the Lord is come—only six miles.
Let earth receive her King—only six miles.

Six miles from the Savior—only six miles.

He is near.
O come, let us adore him.