You Are a Big Help

You sent me aid again and again.
              —Philippians 4:16

Her two young sons had a history of mischief. She—a German immigrant—noted that things were way too quiet. “Up to no good,” she thought, and called out to them:

“Hans, vot you doingg?”
“Fritz, vot you doingg?”
“I’m helping Hans.”

Withheld donations to the church puts one in the company of those who do nothing.

The Philippians were helpers. Paul thanked them for “their partnership in the gospel” (Phil 1:5). They were partners and participants in Paul’s preaching and writing—as much a part of it as he was. He said that the gifts they sent were “a fragrant offering, an acceptable sacrifice, pleasing to God” (Phil 4:18).

That, my friend, is the description of the gifts that you give. They help get things done.

Your little bit is big.

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