God Works the Night Shift

All that night the Lord drove the sea back.
                                  —Exodus 14:21

God worked through the night to prepare for tomorrow’s safe travel for the Israelites. “All that night the Lord drove the sea back,” and when the sun came up, the water was gone, and they had a dry-land crossing of the Red Sea.

God works the night shift. While you’re sleeping, God is working. He stays awake so you can sleep: “He who watches over you will not slumber” (Ps 121:3).

“God provides for those He loves, even while they are sleeping” (Ps 127:2). And he silently counsels and instructs you while you sleep: “I will praise the Lord, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me” (Ps 16:7).

Say it with me: “I can’t wait to see the day you have prepared for me during the night.”

God works through the night to prepare
the morning for you and you for the morning.