
I know whom I have believed.
            —2 Timothy 1:12

The apostle Paul was transparent about his spiritual weaknesses (Rom 7:14–25).

But there is magnetic power in his certainties. He speaks of them with unshakable confidence:

  • I know whom I have believed (2 Tm 1:12)
  • I know that the Spirit and Jesus are interceding for me (Rom 8:26, 34)
  • I know that all things work together for good (Rom 8:28)
  • I know that nothing can separate me from the love of God (Rom 8:39)
  • I know that I have an eternal home in heaven (2 Cor 5:1)

It is a marvelous comfort to face your world morning by morning being very sure of your faith, very sure of divine intercession, very sure of the love of God, very sure of your salvation—life’s uncertainties succumbing to God’s eternal certainties.

Stake your claim to God’s certainties.