Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they will see God.
—Matthew 5:8
“Who may ascend the hill of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart” (Ps 24:3–4).
We know ourselves too well to claim perfect purity of heart: “I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For what I do is not the good I want to do” (Rom 7:18–19).
God gives credit for the desire for purity of heart—for “the good I want to do.” Thomas à Kempis found comfort in the thought that “Man considereth the deeds whilst God weigheth the intentions.”
As we become purer, God becomes clearer—and as God becomes clearer, we become purer.
“Create in me a pure heart, O God” (Ps 51:10).
Errant yesterdays need not
define your tomorrows.