Are You Big Enough to Forgive?

Tell his disciples and Peter, “He is going ahead
of you into Galilee. There you will see him.”
                                —Mark 16:7

Edwin Stanton called President Abraham Lincoln “The Original Gorilla.” Lincoln was aware of Stanton’s insult but admired his abilities and appointed him to his cabinet.

Stanton grew to love Lincoln, wept when he died, and whispered, “There lies the most perfect ruler of men the world has ever seen. Now he belongs to the ages.”

You would think that Peter’s triple denial of Jesus would expel him from apostleship. But Jesus made sure that Peter knew he still wanted him in the inner circle (Mk 16:7), singled him out for a one-on-one chat after his resurrection (Lk 24:34), and commissioned him to take care of his sheep after he was gone (Jn 21:16).

We are never more like Jesus than when we love and forgive those who are difficult to love and forgive.

Until you grow big enough to forgive,
you will remain small.