Set out a sacrifice I can accept.
—Psalm 50:14
Is there anything that God doesn’t have?
According to Psalm 50, he says: “I do not need bulls from your stalls or goats from your pens, because every animal of the forest is already mine. The cattle on a thousand hills are mine. I know every bird on the mountains, and every living thing in the fields is mine. If I were hungry, I would not tell you, because the earth and everything in it are mine” (vv. 9–12).
It seems that God has everything. But does he? Listen . . .
“Set out a sacrifice I can accept: your thankfulness” (v. 14). In verse 23, he repeats: “Set out a sacrifice I can accept: your thankfulness.” (The Voice translation.)
God has almost everything. But not quite. He doesn’t have your thankfulness until you give it.
Personal thankfulness is a gift
to God that only you can give.