Be strong and take heart.
—Psalm 31:24
Jodi Oakes Pontiac burst into flames when she lost control and hit an abutment. Mike Gay witnessed the crash, ran to the burning car and pulled Jodi to safety—suffering third-degree burns in the process.
“He risked his life for me,” Jodi said. “It’s only because of him that I’m alive and get to be here for my three children.”
Courageous acts are rarely so dramatic. Most often, they are struggles faced quietly, alone—and sometimes daily.
It takes courage to risk life for another.
It also takes courage to face and fight a personal frailty: anger, envy, addiction, lust, critical spirit—whatever attacks at your weakest point.
But you’re not in this alone—you have this word from God: “I am with you . . . I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you” (Is 41:10).
Every successful person made a
courageous decision at some point.