You’re the Greatest

Those who seem least important
now will be the greatest then.
         —Matthew 19:30

What was the kid’s name who shared his snack and with wide-eyed wonder saw a multitude fed from his lunch pail?

What was the guy’s name who loaned Jesus his donkey for his final ride into Jerusalem?

What were the names of those brave brothers who saved Paul’s life by smuggling him out of Damascus in a big basket?

None of them wore a name tag; all are unknown. But each did something that scored honorable-mention in the Bible.

Your name may not be well known, but your prayers, gifts, and good life are doing immeasurable good.

It’s Jesus’ law of reversal: “Many who are the greatest now will be least important then, and those who seem least important now will be the greatest then” (Mt 19:30).

You don’t have to be known well to serve well.