Please Be Alert

Give special attention to those
who are in the family of believers.
            —Galatians 6:10

Sensitive souls from a Fresno, California, church were distributing food to residents of a low-income apartment complex.

As they unpacked a generous supply of groceries in an elderly lady’s apartment, Jenna sneaked a peek in woman’s fridge and pantry; both empty, except for a tin of tuna and an orange.

Jenna barely made it out the door before bursting into tears, telling her companions, “When I was a little girl, that lady was my Sunday School teacher. She’s a member of our church, and we didn’t even know where she lived, and that she was almost starving.”

Paul wrote: “When we have the opportunity to help anyone, we should do it. But we should give special attention to those who are in the family of believers.”

Please, let’s be alert.

Caring is costly. Not caring
is moral bankruptcy.