Edit Your Speech

Don’t talk too much.
  —Proverbs 10:19

There’s someone you dread talking to face-to-face or on the phone because there’s no way to shut them up.

Benjamin Franklin told a story about a hatter who wrote this sentence for a signboard outside his shop: JOHN BROWN MAKES AND SELLS HATS FOR READY MONEY.

“Eliminate ‘MAKES AND’ said a friend; “Nobody cares who makes the hat.” The sentence now read: JOHN BROWN SELLS HATS FOR READY MONEY.

“Strike out ‘FOR READY MONEY,’ said another friend. The sentence now read: JOHN BROWN SELLS HATS.

“Get rid of ‘SELLS HATS,’ said a third friend; “No one expects you to give them away.”

The final sign read: JOHN BROWN: HATS.

Most of us would do well to edit our speech. “Don’t talk too much,” said Solomon. “Be sensible and turn off the flow!”

We have a right to remain silent—
a right we should exercise more often.