Celebrate Today

This is the day the Lord has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.
       —Psalm 118:24

Celebrate today by divorcing the past and marrying the present.

Celebrate today by divorcing resentment and marrying forgiveness.

Celebrate today by divorcing malice and marrying love.

Celebrate today by divorcing indifference and marrying compassion.

Celebrate today by divorcing negligence and marrying diligence.

Celebrate today by divorcing irresponsibility and marrying commitment.

Celebrate today by divorcing apathy and marrying persistence.

Celebrate today by divorcing animosity and marrying peace.

Celebrate today by divorcing irritability and marrying cheerfulness.

Celebrate today by divorcing anxiety and marrying serenity.

Celebrate today by divorcing surliness and marrying sweetness.

Celebrate today by divorcing cynicism and marrying optimism.

End today better than
you were when it started.