You Are Priceless

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart.
                      —Jeremiah 1:5

We tend to evaluate the worth of people by what they have and what they do—and our own worth by how we compare.

Don’t make that mistake. Your worth is not measured by how you stack up against others. It’s measured by rarity and ownership. You are a rare treasure because you are an original. And you are priceless because you belong to God.

Recite these words: I am of immeasurable worth because I am an original. God chose me before the creation of the world, and made me who he wanted me to be. I am one-of-a-kind; there are no copies. He bought me with the blood of his Son; he owns me. My worth is not determined by what I have or what I do, but by what I am—an original, and by whose I am—God’s.

You are an original, owned by God:
a rare and priceless treasure.